The lag problem

One of the main reasons for the modernization of the parser for Gekko 3.0 was that it was deemed important to handle timeseries as objects in Gekko. Timeseries are already objects in Gekko 2.0/2.2, but they are not always handled as such during calculations. To...

How to think about sigils?

Gekko uses the ‘funny symbols’ (sigils) % and # to indicate scalars and collections (for instance lists), respectively. More about these in the previous post. But how to think about them? For instance, in Gekko 2.0, a scalar value is written like “VAL v = 100;”, not...

Funny % and # symbols (sigils)

What is a sigil? In Gekko, sigils are used to denote general variable types, for instance %x if it is a scalar (string/value/date), #x if it is a collection (list, matrix or map), and plain x if it is a timeseries. The use of # was inherited from AREMOS, but AREMOS...